Do men wear engagement rings?

...exploring tradition to trend in the UK

It might come as a surprise, but a good number of men in the UK are now wearing engagement rings. What was once seen as predominantly for women is shifting as more men choose to showcase their love and commitment on their left hand.

First: A little look into the history

The concept of engagement rings for men is not as new as you might think. This trend has been around for decades, though it initially didn’t catch on as widely as expected. Historically, men in the UK weren't big on wearing much jewellery, including wedding bands, which only became popular during the mid-20th century, influenced by celebrities and changing fashion norms.

In recent years, the jewellery industry has reinvigorated this idea, recognising a shift towards shared domestic responsibilities and equality in relationships. Infinity Diamond Jewellery, recognising these evolving trends, offers a range of men’s engagement rings that cater to modern tastes and styles.

Round Cut Tapered Baguette Diamond Ring (click)

Round Cut Hidden Halo Diamond Engagement Ring (click)

Why do men wear engagement rings?

Today, men wear engagement rings for several reasons, from personal preference to cultural significance. Here are a few points to consider:

Commitment: Traditionally, a diamond engagement ring indicates that a person is engaged. However, as society embraces equality in relationships, both partners often choose to wear a ring. This shift reflects a balanced approach to commitments, symbolising mutual love and dedication.

Cultural Reasons: In many cultures around the world, it's customary for both partners to wear an engagement ring. This tradition is also catching on in the UK, reflecting the diverse society we live in.

Breaking Tradition: As societal norms evolve, more women are choosing to propose, leading to a rise in men wearing engagement rings. This change is part of a broader move towards more balanced relationship dynamics, where expressions of love and commitment are not gender-specific.

Fashion and Celebrity Influence: Celebrities and fashion trends also play a significant role in the popularity of men's engagement rings. High-profile figures and influencers sporting such rings often set trends that others are keen to follow.

Round Cut Six Claw Diamond Engagement Ring (click)

Oval Classic Rub-Over Diamond Engagement Ring (click)

How do men choose and wear engagement rings?

Placement: The traditional choice in the UK is to wear the engagement ring on the left hand until the wedding, after which some men switch the ring to their right hand, or use it as their wedding band.

Styles and Materials: Men’s engagement rings often feature robust and masculine materials like tungsten, stainless steel, and various metals including white gold, yellow gold, and rose gold. Designs range from the understated to the lavish, with options to include diamonds and other gemstones to suit personal tastes.

Where to Shop: We at Infinity Diamond Jewellery offer a wide selection of men’s engagement rings, catering to different styles and preferences. Whether you prefer something understated or a ring that makes a bold statement, you can find or customise the perfect ring that resonates with your personal style and lifestyle needs.

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