Lab-Grown Diamonds: Just how sustainable actually are they?

...and how does this sustainbility compare to mined Diamonds?

Lab-grown diamonds are created in labs with precise control, and they look just like natural diamonds that take billions of years to form underground. They have the same chemical make-up and physical traits, like density and hardness.

Thanks to tech advances, these man-made diamonds shine just as brightly as the real deal. Our jewellery focuses on these responsibly made gems, especially in engagement rings, giving you a high-quality, sustainable option.

The problems with Diamond mining

Traditional diamond mining has taken a lot of heat for its impact on the planet and people. This industry is notorious for harming the environment—think deforestation, soil erosion, and messing up local wildlife habitats.

It's also rough on the people in mining areas, leading to forced labor and even funding wars. Infinity Diamond Jewellery’s lab-grown diamonds offer a guilt-free alternative, avoiding the harsh ways of traditional mining.


Eco-friendly and responsible

Infinity Diamond Jewellery is all about sustainable diamond production. Their lab-grown diamonds need much less water and create fewer carbon emissions than mined ones.

The labs are mostly powered by renewable energy and have a smaller environmental footprint. Choosing a lab-created diamond from Infinity Diamond Jewellery means you're picking a symbol of love that's also good for the world - and a stunning piece of jewellery that looks quite literally the same.

0.35ct Wedding Band, Delicate Half Eternity Ring, Nature Inspired (click)

0.10ct Wedding Band, Crescent Shaped Eternity Ring (click)


Why it matters

Picking lab-grown diamonds from Infinity Diamond Jewellery means you're choosing gems that are as ethical as they are beautiful. These diamonds are a smart choice for those who care about where their jewelry comes from. When you go for these stones, you’re supporting practices that help, not hurt, our planet and its communities.


Vintage Oval Cut Floral Diamond Engagement Ring (click)

Oval Classic Rub-Over Diamond Engagement Ring (click)

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